OTAGES FRANCAIS : informations et actions de sensibilisation


(JPG) Mobilisation pour Guy-Andre Kieffer, journaliste français disparu en Côte d’Ivoire

(JPG) Michel Germaneau : otage français enlevé au Niger le 19 avril 2010



Les références bibliographiques (Français/ Anglais)


-  AUQUE Roger, "Otages de Beyrouth à Bagdad", Editions Anne Carrière, 1988

-  AUQUE Roger, "Journal d’un correspondant de guerre", Editions Anne Carrière, 2005

-  BRIBOSIA Emmanuelle, WEYEMBERGH Anne, "Lutte contre le terrorisme et droits fondamentaux", Editions Droit et Justice, 2002, 305 p.

-  BETANCOURT Ingrid, "La rage au cœur", Editions Fixot, 2001

-  CAROFF Delphine, "Ingrid Betancourt ou la médiatisation de la tragédie Colombienne" L’Harmattan, 2004, 196 p.

-  CHESNOT Christian, MALBRUNOT Georges "Mémoires d’otages", Editions Calmann-Levy, 2005

-  GARCIA MARQUEZ Gabriel, "Journal d’un enlèvement", Editions Grasset, 1997

-  HAROUEL Véronique, "Grands textes du droit international humanitaire", PUF, 2001

-  LECOMPTE Juan Carlos, "Au nom d’Ingrid", Editions Xo, 2005

-  LE GARREC Jean-Jacques, "Evasions, 74 jours à Jolo", Editions Xo, 2000

-  LOISY Stéphane, "Otage à Jolo", Editions Denoel, Coll. Impacts, 2001

-  MADURA Roland, "Nous sommes là où nous devons être", Editions Ivoire-Clair, 2002

-  Marie MOARBES, "Mon père m’attendait à Manille", Editions Robert Laffont, 2001

-  OUFKIR Malika, Fitoussi Michèle, "La Prisonnière", Editions Grasset, 1999

-  MINANA Stéphanie, "Quarante-six jours en enfer", Editions Michel Lafon

Ouvrages et films en anglais

-  SOS TERROSISM "Terrorism, victims and international responsibility", SOS Attentats, 2003, 393 p.

-   AKE has produced new statistics on kidnapping around the world.

-  EISF has produced two briefing papers on Crisis Management of Critical Incidents and Abduction Management

- Face to face with his kidnapper, Mark Henderson’s story of returning to Colombia where he had been kidnapped and meeting some of his former kidnappers.

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-  Even Silence Has an End :

My six years of captivity in the Colombian jungle, Ingrid Betancourt, virago, 2010

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- The Sky is Always There : Surviving a kidnapping in Chechnya, Camilla Carr and Jonathan James, Canterbury Press, 2008

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<no p>" class="spip_out"> Prisoners of Hope : The story of our captivity and freedom in Afghanistan, Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer, Hodder & Stoughton, 2002

-  In the Presence of My Enemies, Gracia Burnham, Tynedale, 2003

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-  Blind Flight (DVD), 2004

Bassem Breish (Actor), Mohamad Chamas (Actor), John Furse (Director) |

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-  Taken on Trust, Terry Waite, Coronet Books, 1993 Some Other Rainbow, John McCarthy and Jill Morrell, Corgi Books, 1993

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-   An Evil Cradling, Brian Keenan, Vintage, 1993

-  Ransom : The untold story of international kidnapping, Ann Hagedorn Auerbach, Henry Holt and Company, 1998

-   Guerrilla Hostage : The dramatic story of Ray Risling’s ordeal in the Colombian jungle, Denise Marie Siino, Fleming H Revel, 1999

-  Long March to Freedom : Tom Hargrove’s own story of his kidnapping by Colombian Narco-Guerrillas, Thomas R Hargrove, Ballantine Books, 1995

-  Hole : Kidnapped in Georgia, Peter Shaw, Accent Press, 2006

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-  News of a Kidnapping, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Alfred A Knopf, 1997

-   Kidnapping is a Booming Business, IKV Pax Christi, 2008

-  Colin Freeman : My 40 days held in a cave by Somali gunmen

In an exclusive report, Sunday Telegraph journalist Colin Freeman tells of the fears and hardships he endured while being held for 40 days and 40 nights in remote mountain caves by a gang of Somali kidnappers

-  The Kidnapping Business, Rachel Briggs, The Foreign Policy Centre, 2001

-   The Case that Never Dies : The Lindbergh Kidnapping, Lloyd C Gardner, Rutgers University Press, 2004

-  The Kidnap Business, Mark Bless and Robert Low, Pelham Books, 1987

-  Over the Edge : A true story of kidnap and escape in the mountains of central Asia, Greg Child, Piatkus Books, 2003

-  Kidnap, Hijack and Extortion, Richard Clutterbuck, Palgrave Macmillan, 1987

-  Kidnap and Ransom : The response, Richard Clutterbuck, Faber and Faber, 1978

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-  Hostage in Iraq, Norman Kember, Darton Longman and Todd Ltd, 2007

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-  Kidnapped : And other dispatches, Alan Johnston, Profile Books, 2007

-  Letters to my Mother : A message of love, a plea for freedom, Ingrid Betancourt, Lorenzo Delloye-Betancourt, and Melanie Delloye-Betancourt, HNA Books, 2008

^ Remonter ^
  1. https://thesanctuarycollective.org/
  2. https://www.otages-du-monde.com/
  3. https://www.endangeredrangers.com/
  4. https://www.hottestmominamerica.com/
  5. https://www.globalinstitutefortomorrow.com/
  6. https://craftymonkeys.org/
  7. https://thencta.com/
  8. https://collegecitescolaire.com/
  9. https://katana-giapponese.com/
  10. https://pisciculturepaol.com/
  11. https://amipublic.com/
  12. https://bodyfitbra.com/
  13. https://anarchitektur.com/
  14. https://yevdes.org/
  15. https://www.madconf.com/
  16. https://drs2012bangkok.org/
  17. https://www.stlouisasla.org/
  18. https://ibcc2020.org/
  19. https://www.missoulaboxingclub.org/
  20. https://assembleedesassemblees.org/
  21. https://westviewguesthouse.com/
  22. https://www.etfa2014.org/
  23. https://www.etudes-romantiques.org/
  24. https://iucr2014.org/
  25. https://www.oxfordnj.org/
  26. https://www.ourrussianchurch.org/
  27. https://www.hyperacusis.org/
  28. https://www.enter2019.org/
  29. https://borealforestplatform.org/
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